Hydrocarbon Removal Filters Welded Tube Pros is the sales agent for the welded tube and cold rollforming industries for SUNPRO of MYCELX™ hydrocarbon removal filter media. SUNPRO’s MYCELX filters remove the following from water in ONE pass! Hydrocarbons ranging from heavy oils to gasoline Oil sheen Synthetic and Natural Oils BTEX PCB’s Chlorinated Solvents Organically bound metals Technical information and product specification file: This is an Adobe PDF file. For a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, click below: These filters will remove the above listed materials from aqueous solutions. There are no other products on the market that we are aware of that are able to remove and TRAP oil from an aqueous solution. The contamination is actually chemically bonded to the filter media. Flow through filters and housings. MYCELX OilArrest™ An example of two air filters. The filter on the left used a MYCELX™ pre-filter directly on top of the standard air filter. The filter on the right did not have the pre-filter. You can see that the filter used in conjunction with the MYCELX™ pre-filter has no oil trapped in it. MYCELX Storm water Filtration •Prevents hydrocarbon runoff • Use in parking lots and heavy use areas to catch pollutants • Prevents oil and gasoline sheen • Unit can be mounted below grade for use in plant floors • Easily replaceable MYCELX media absorbs 15 lbs. of oil pollutant Actual Installation at Tampa Bayside Marina in Tampa, FL. The system is used to keep polluted parking lot runoff from entering Tampa Bay. This system could also be used inside of industrial plants in loading docks, etc.